The New Optical Shop at the Rochester Eye & Laser Center
Get the Style Help you Need Our optical specialists, Sherry Cassano and the team, are also artists and fashionistas – along with being New York State...
1 min read
The Rochester Eye & Laser Team
Dec 27, 2023 12:08:00 PM
The Optical Shop at the Rochester Eye and Laser Center stands out for three distinct reasons.
#1. Licensed Opticians
We have a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable licensed Opticians ready to assist you at the Optical Shop. Rest assured, everyone who helps you here is dedicated to providing exceptional care for your vision and ensuring your satisfaction.
#2. Fashion
We are passionate about fashion! Our collection of glasses is not only the coolest but also the greatest. What sets us apart is our ability to customize frames and lenses on special orders. We genuinely care about your satisfaction and aim to provide exceptional service. We are here to support and assist you in any way we can.
The third and most crucial reason is the functionality of our glasses. It is essential for you to absolutely adore your eyewear. Just like how most women love their shoes, imagine going to a store and buying a fabulous pair of pumps that you're currently wearing. They look amazing, but what happens when you want to play tennis, or yoga, or go for a hike?
This is where we step in. We understand that one great pair of glasses might not be enough. That's why we take the time to talk to you about your lifestyle – how you live, work, and play. We take all of your needs into consideration.
Our goal is to help you not only see clearly but also to look and feel your absolute best. We are confident in proving why we are the superior choice here at the Optical Shop at the Rochester Eye and Laser Center. Come and experience it for yourself!
Come and see us. Walk-ins welcome!
Get the Style Help you Need Our optical specialists, Sherry Cassano and the team, are also artists and fashionistas – along with being New York State...
The Rochester Eye & Laser Center Optical Shop is excited to offer a brand new line of eyewear, just launched at the NYC Expo! RVS Hand Made Eyewear ...
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