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1 min read

5 Things People Without Contacts Don’t Understand

5 Things People Without Contacts Don’t Understand

Contact WearerPeople who wear contacts on a daily basis know that the struggle is very real and very consistent. Even past those first few days, even once you think you’re getting the hang of the whole thing, there is so much that goes wrong that people without contacts just. don’t. understand.

Eye with Contact

  1. They flip inside out.

There’s not just one way to put on a contact lens. They can flip inside out, and dear lord, if you put the outside of the lens on your eye, you pay for it.

Inside Out Contact

  1. Getting something under your lens is like getting something in your eye but way, way worse.

The old “blink it out” adage no longer applies when what you’re trying to blink out is being held in by a plastic disc.

Lose contact in eye

  1. You can lose a contact in your eye. For real.

It probably hasn’t slid back to start attacking your brain, but obviously, that’s the first place your mind goes.

(You can’t actually lose your contact into the back of your eye, but it certainly feels that way, and lord knows if it weren’t impossible, it would happen to you…)

Kitty Nap

  1. Naps are more work.

God forbid you leave your lenses in for a 20-minute snooze and they get practically seared to your eyeball. Always gotta take them out. Always every time.


  1. They only ever fall out when you’re not near contact solution.

Do not use water! Do not just pop ‘em back in. You squint through the rest of the day until you get home. Them’s the breaks.

When you’re fed up with all the annoying / gross / painful parts of living with contacts, ditch ‘em. There’s a vision correction solution that avoids the hassle of contacts and glasses, and that’s LASIK. If you’ve considered it before, but haven’t thought about it in a long time, take another look at LASIK. You can get your questions answered at https://www.rochestereyecenter.com/lasik-eye-surgery

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People who wear contacts on a daily basis know that the struggle is very real and very consistent. Even past those first few days, even once you think you’re getting the hang of the whole thing, there is so much that goes wrong that people without contacts just. don’t. understand.

Free LASIK Consultation

Thank you to Takashi Hososhima/Flickr and n4i/Flickr for the imagery.

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