As we age, it becomes harder to see things up close. But now there’s VUITY™. The first and only prescription eye drop to treat age-related Blurry Near Vision (presbyopia) in adults.
In clinical studies where patients received one drop of VUITY™ in each eye once daily, this was measured by the proportion of patients achieving a 3-line gain or more reading a near vision eye chart without losing more than 1 line in a distance vision eye chart at Day 30, 3 hours after dosing.
VUITY™ primarily works by reducing your pupil size to help you see up close.
One drop in each eye, once daily to help improve near vision in presbyopia patients. If more than one type of eyedrop is being used, administer at least 5 minutes apart.
Remove your contact lenses before using VUITY™ and wait 10 minutes after dosing before reinserting your contact lenses.