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1 min read

Dry Eye & LASIK

Dry Eye & LASIK



Dry Eye is a common side effect of LASIK vision correction, often caused by a decrease in tear production due to the reduced sensitivity of corneal nerves post-surgery. This can lead to insufficient lubrication and protection for the eyes, resulting in irritation. While Dry Eye is typically temporary after LASIK, some patients may experience symptoms for an extended period. Using lubricating eye-drops can provide relief from discomfort.

Symptoms of Dry Eye may include excessive eye watering, itching, burning, redness, sensitivity to light, feeling of sand or grit in the eyes, pain, and blurred vision. If you already have Dry Eye, LASIK may not be suitable for you, as it could potentially worsen your condition. It is crucial to consult with your ophthalmologist to determine the best course of action for your eyes. A LASIK Consultation at Rochester Eye and Laser Center can provide valuable insights and guidance on the risks and benefits of LASIK, as well as alternative procedures that may be more suitable for your eyes.

To schedule your no-obligation LASIK evaluation appointment, call 585-232-2560 or visit rochestereyecenter.com. In the meantime, if you are experiencing Dry Eye symptoms, using lubricating drops can help alleviate discomfort.


During your comprehensive eye exam, we will discuss Dry Eye symptoms, evaluate your general eye health, answer questions, discuss the risks and benefits of LASIK, and determine if your eyes are right for LASIK. If not, there are alternative laser vision corrections procedures that may better suit your eyes. Certain procedures may actually help improve pre-existing dry eye conditions.

To schedule your no-obligation LASIK evaluation appointment, call 585-232-2560 or visit our online LASIK Consultation Scheduler. And in the meantime, if you suffer from Dry Eye, be sure to use lubricating drops to ease discomfort.

$1000 of LASIK


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