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At Rochester Eye and Laser Center we are committed to patient education. This helps patients know what we will be doing during procedures and we make sure to answer all their questions.

It is quite common to have anxiety around an eye procedure and we want our patients to be calm and comfortable through each surgery, and education helps. 

We hold a monthly LASIK Seminar, which has been occurring for two years now. It's very popular with our LASIK patients. They hear all about the procedure (including pictures) and each month, a LASIK patient talks about their particular experience having LASIK and answers questions along with Dr. Lindahl and his LASIK Team. 

In March, we are holding a free Virtual Cataract Seminar. The LASIK seminars have been so popular and the Cataract Lunch & Learn was very well attended last year, so we decided to hold a Virtual Cataract Seminar this year and let people join from wherever they feel comfortable.

Here are the details:

Cataract Seminar CTA(400 × 377 px)

If you are interested or know someone who may be, please feel free to share these upcoming events with them. 

Also, our website is jammed packed with great content that educates our patients. We have a lot of videos, assessments, financing information, online scheduling and much more. Check us out.

As always, if you any questions or concerns, give us a call at 585-232-2560.

Hope to see you soon!

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