Three Things to Consider Before Buying Sunglasses

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Jul 22, 2020 10:03:56 AM

Sunglasses are far more than a fashion statement. A good pair of sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, blunt eye strain, and help you stay active outdoors for longer. Thankfully, there are tons of great options that pair great fit with fashion.

Few items pair fashion with performance as much as a great pair of sunglasses. The good news is you don’t have to give up one for the other. Manufacturers build high-performance sunglasses that turn away the sun’s harmful rays and shield your eyes from glare inside great-looking frames with high-quality components. A rock-solid design that handles season after season of wear and travel can have all the style and flair you desire. When it comes to sunglasses, you can definitely have your cake and eat it, too. Here are three things to think about when you’re sizing up a few frames.

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What's an eyecare emergency?

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Mar 25, 2020 3:54:05 PM

As we've all seen throughout New York State this week, many healthcare facilities are only able to treat emergencies while open. The rest of our everyday, non-essential treatments have stopped for a period of time. We all hope it's safe to resume our full practice soon. 

So, what is an eye emergency? We thought it would be helpful to tell you about some of the eye issues we are seeing, that we would want you to contact your ophthalmologist about.

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The dangers of rubbing your eyes

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Mar 16, 2020 12:40:33 PM

We all rub our eyes when we are tired, or frustrated, or just out of habit. Knowing what happens when you do it and how you can get rid of this bad habit is essential to not only your eye health, but your overall health as well.

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