How Does Laser Eye Surgery Help Myopia?

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Sep 29, 2022 10:41:00 AM

If you are one of the unlucky ones who live with Myopia – more commonly known as near-sightedness – you have probably grown used to the world around you appearing blurry every now and then. You probably feel pretty unlucky in your vision, but the truth is, you are actually in luck.

No, not because you struggle to see things at a distance, but because you are in good company. Myopia is estimated to affect around a third of adults in Europe and the United States. The upside of this? There is a vast amount of research and correction options at your fingertips.

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How Long After LASIK Can I Play Video Games?

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Sep 15, 2022 1:12:24 PM

Much like screen time, video games can be played as a way to wind down after a long day or hype yourself up after winning and advancing to the next level. The question arises as we wonder if screen time affects the healing process for LASIK or how long after LASIK can we play video games. But don’t you worry, you can enjoy playing video games after LASIK! The same goes for watching TV, scrolling on your phone, and resuming computer use after LASIK.

Be cautious when utilizing your eyes when playing video games or having screen time because you may blink less frequently; which introduces some dryness to your eyes.

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LASIK is Super Easy & Quick

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Aug 11, 2022 10:31:43 AM

LASIK eye surgery may sound intimidating, not to mention costly, but the investment is the best thing you can do for yourself.  It takes approximately 10 minutes per eye, for this procedure to change your life.  Here are just a few of the benefits of LASIK:

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