Q: Can I Use an FSA for LASIK? A: Yes! If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), it can be used to pay for your LASIK procedure. But let's...
September 22nd will be the last of our Virtual LASIK Summer Series. Hopefully we will be able to get together soon for our LASIK Seminars in-person. We hope you will join us.
In this hour, you will hear about our latest LASIK techniques from our Ophthalmologist, Dr. Ken Lindahl. He will answer all of your refractive surgery questions and enjoy a brew, or your favorite drink, with you.
We also will put all attendees names into a drawing for a FREE All-laser LASIK procedure. The drawing will be held on September, 30, 2020, at the end of our LASIK Summer Series. AND, just for attending, you will get 20% off a LASIK procedure booked in 2020 and $50 off any pair of sunglasses we sell in our Optical Shop.
You must get a ticket and attend to be eligible for the drawing and $50 off coupon.
Q: Can I Use an FSA for LASIK? A: Yes! If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), it can be used to pay for your LASIK procedure. But let's...
LASIK eye surgery may sound intimidating, not to mention costly, but the investment is the best thing you can do for yourself. It takes approximately...
LASIK eye surgery may sound intimidating, not to mention costly, but the investment is...