What You Should Know About Diabetes and Eye Exams

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Feb 2, 2021 2:27:19 PM

Diabetes is a disease that profoundly affects many areas of your body, including your eyes. It increases your risk for eye conditions, such as glaucoma and cataracts. The primary concern for eye health in people with diabetes is the development of diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that develops when the blood vessels in your retina become damaged. The retina is the light-sensitive portion of the back of your eye. As the damage worsens, you may begin losing your vision. Your eyesight may become blurry, less intense, and begin to disappear.

This condition can affect people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The longer you live with diabetes, the more likely you are to develop complications like diabetic retinopathy. This is why adopting lifestyle changes and learning to manage diabetes is ...

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New Year, New Vision!

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Jan 1, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Are you ready for 2021?

Will you make the standard list of resolutions – all with the best of intentions to put yourself first? It’s tempting to make up our minds to lose weight, stop smoking, start exercising, make new friends, and try different hobbies or activities at the fresh start of a new year. But usually, sometime around mid-February, regular life routines kick back in, and we often put resolutions on the back burner or out of our minds entirely.

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Sleep in Contacts: Why it's not ok.

by The Rochester Eye & Laser Team on Dec 23, 2020 11:08:00 AM

Imagine this: a cold Saturday afternoon with no more holiday chores to check off of your to-do list. You have no plans, no responsibilities, nothing to worry about except enjoying the time to yourself. This kind of day can nudge you into an impromptu, refreshing nap in no time at all. But, for some people, drifting off isn't as simple as just closing your eyes. If you aren't lucky enough to have 20/20 vision, you've probably wondered whether it's OK to nap with your contacts in. Not to scare you, but taking your contact lenses out of your eyes is one pre-nap ritual you should definitely be sure to make time for.

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